Past Speakers: Recent-2012
Yoga for Today: The Science Behind How It Works
Monadnock Community Hospital
The Deaf Community: Re-paving the Road of Good Intentions
Microspec Corporation
How Beavers Made America and Now Fight Climate Change
Peterborough Renewable Energy Project (PREP)
“The Vow from Hiroshima”: Advocacy for Nuclear Disarmament
Putnam Foundation
Gets Personal: The Importance of Music in People's Lives
Peterborough Folk Music
Can Our Democracy Thrive Without Local Journalism?
The Gilbert Verney Foundation
The Freedom to Read: Why Banning Books Is a Threat to Democracy
Reading Foundation
Nature Writing, Nature Walking: Spirituality and the Living World in Mary Oliver, Wendell Berry, and Thich Nhat Hanh
RBC Wealth Management
Applied Cartooning: Civic Engagement, Public Health, and Funny Animal
Putnam Foundation
The Bald Eagle: Symbol and Species in American History
Monadnock Community Hospital
Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure: The Essentials
RBC Wealth Management
Immigrant Justice Delayed, Human Rights Denied - Finding a Way Forward
Monadnock Fika Group
Coevolution: The Model for Humanity's Sustainable Future
Gilbert Verney Foundation
A Deep and Enduring Presence: Using Archaeology to Write Native American History
Putnam Foundation
From Enemies to Enlightenment: The Hidden Gift Within Racial Tension
The N Word, Nature Revisited: Conversations with John Muir and Others
Sponsored by Monadnock Conservancy
What I’ve Learned about Gender Inequity and What We Can Do About It
Sponsored by Putnam Foundation/New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Searching for Life Beyond Earth: Moving from Science Fiction to Science Fact
Sponsored by McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center
The World on Fire: From the Amazon to Australia
Sponsored by Grove Street Fiduciary LLC
Why They Marched: Celebrating the Centennial of Women’s Suffrage
Sponsored by the New Hampshire Women's Foundation
Why Children’s Popular Culture Matters: The Politics of Children’s Toys and Media
Sponsored by People's United Bank - Peterborough & Jaffrey Branches
The Resisters: On Writing a Baseball Dystopia
Sponsored by Putnam Foundation/New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
They Said It Couldn’t Be Done: Illustrating Philosophical Ideas with Jokes!
Sponsored by The Verney Foundation
From Homer to Hank Williams: Thoughts about singing and songwriting
Sponsored by Peterborough Folk Music
Speech, Freedom, and Inclusion of College Campuses
Sponsored by The Reading Foundation
Democracy, Bipartisanship, and Leadership in Troubled Times
Sponsored by RiverMead
Equal Citizens or Oligarchy: New Hampshire and the Cross-partisan Movement for the 28th Amendment to the US Constitution
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants
Falling Asleep to Gunfire: Violence in Chicago, a Country’s Slumbering Response, and How Gang Members Become Peacekeepers
Real Food, Fake Food: Why You Don’t Know What You’re Eating and What You Can Do About It
Their Songs Were Their Weapon: The Role of Music in Political Resistance in America
Never Caught: The Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave, Ona Judge
Saving the Land that Sustains Us – and Other Steps Needed to Secure the Future of Farming
The Soul of An Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness
A Leadership Issue: Applying Branding Principles to Combat Unconscious Bias.
Starlight Detectives: How Astronomers, Inventors, and Eccentrics Discovered the Modern Universe
The Sources and Evolution of New England Contra Dance Music: An Annotated Concert
Poor (in) Democracy: How America is Defaulting on Democracy, and the Long Walk to Get it Back
Good Morning, Beautiful Business: The Unexpected Journey of an Activist Entrepreneur and Local-Economy Pioneer
Every society creates the vampire it needs: Vampires, Morality and the Fate of the Planet
A Celebration of New England Contra Dance Music Honoring Bob McQuillen